Welcome to Mosman Junior Rugby Club




Season Dates

Monday 26th August, 11am – Registrations open (first in best dressed!). Managers register teams and pay team fee. 

Monday 2nd September, 5pm – Registrations shut (unless sold out prior).

Sunday 15th September at the Whalehouse

@ 3:00 – 4:30pm – Referee Course at the Whalehouse
@ 5:30pm – 6:00pm – Coaches & Managers Info evening at the Whalehouse 

Tuesday 15th October – 7 Week Competition Begins

Tuesday 26th November – Fun Finals Week

Location: Rawson oval, Mosman.

Game Duration: 2 x halves 14 mins each way with a 1 min half time break

Game Times: See below

*Please be advised that all above game times are an indication only and are TBC when registrations close and draw is released. Year 7 and Year 8 have the option of multiple spots but this will depend on popularity.


Acceptance of Entry

Due to the growing number of teams entering our competition each year we have been forced to accept entries on a first in first served basis. Your position in the competition is not secure until we have received your entry form, full registration fee and individual player registration forms.

For Insurance purposes each individual player needs to fill in an Individual Player Registration Form after payment is received within 48hrs.

Playing Colours

All registered teams will need to wear an agreed colour as your t-shirt (K-mart and Big W do very cheap t-shirts) or school sports shirts. We will also have bibs – the Managers can collect and return these to the canteen.

To secure your team you need a TEAM MANAGER

  • The Team Manager will be responsible for registering their team and ensuring payment. 
  • They will also be our point of communication for the season and will be given our contact details. 
  • They will also be responsible for managing fair substitutions throughout the game and keeping score each game and emailing that through post match please.
  • They will be responsible for picking up and returning bibs.
  • They will be responsible for their players (and spectators) behaviour.


What Managers will need to do to register team – 3 easy steps:

  1. Fill in the registration form for your team ASAP to secure your team’s spot in the competition. You will need to fill in each individual player’s name at the time of team registration. You must have a minimum of 9 players.
  2. Then the Manager will need to pay the entire team’s registration payment. PLEASE DO NOT PAY INDIVIDUALLY. If you need to pay for extra players you will be sent a separate link.
  3. Then the Manager must send the player’s Individual Player Registration Form out to the team to fill in. These must all be in 48 hrs post payment to secure your spot.


$105 per player
$105 per family (includes one adult and one child)

Registrations will be open from Monday 26th August until Friday 13th September 5pm (unless sold out prior). Please note first in best dressed.


Game balls will be supplied on the night and handed back to the referee at conclusion of the game.


If your team needs to forfeit, an email will be required by 10am on the day or earlier to summertouch@mjrc.com.au

Wet Weather

Please “like” the Mosman Junior Rugby Instagram page for up-to-date information and an email will be sent to Managers if time permits.
Council will update the ground status around 2pm and we will advise shortly after on social media and emails to Managers. There will be no make-up games unfortunately – so do your sun dances please.


Is your child looking for pocket money? Well we’re looking for refs!  Please get them to fill in our Referee Application Form.  


Is registration by age? Ie: U7’s?

Is registration by age?  Ie: U7’s?
No – registration is by school year group only.

Can my child play in a different year group?
It is recommended that players are enrolled in their school Year. Playing down a year group is not permitted, playing up (one year only) is permitted.

Do the teams have to be single sex or mixed?
Teams can be made up of all boys, all girls or mixed.
No minimum ratios required.  ie: can be all one sex, can be 7 boys, 2 girls etc.  It is at the Manager’s discretion.
Teams will all play in their designated school year group.

My child doesn’t have a team, can I still register them?
Registrations must be team based. However we want to include everyone so if you are an individual without a team, email the Summer Touch team and they will make every effort to put you in touch with teams looking for players. Please include;

  • Player Name
  • School Name
  • School Year

My team is short on players?

If you form a team and are short of players, please email us with your team name and requirements.  MJRC will make every effort to put you in touch with individuals looking for a team, but takes no responsibility to finalise teams.

Why do I need 9 players?
Over the last 3 years we have seen a pattern where those with less than 9 players always seem to struggle fielding some weeks – someone is sick, gets too much homework or (tap wood) gets injured, so that’s why 9 is the lucky number.  You have two reserves in your back pocket. If you only have 7 players let us know and we can team you up with some individual players looking for a team.

What does my child wear to play?
Any comfortable active wear and trainers (no football boots allowed) and we advise against bare feet for safety reasons.
You can go in your sports school shirt or if you love getting dressed up and want to get into the spirit grab some team t-shirts.
Headgear and mouthguard are not required. No football boots are to be worn, sneakers are fine

Do you need to know how to play?
There is no grading, and we welcome all abilities. It’s a FUN competition.  We’re not playing for sheep stations, just a bag of snakes!

Do we need a Team Manager?
Yes, teams will not be able to be registered without a Team Manager. All teams are to be formed and the team fees to be paid by the team manager.
The Team Manager will be our sole point of contact for all comms and information.
Team substitutions on game day are to be managed by the team manager.

When will the draw be sent to us?
We will aim to get the draw out to all teams by the Manager’s Night , so you know exactly when you’re playing and who for the season.
Any updates will be posted to the website.  You will not be notified each week.

Will there be a food offering available on Touch nights?
Yes, the best BBQ in town will be serving dinner at Rawson on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and the canteen will be pumping.

Fine Print (the stuff you are meant to read…)
Only Team payments of $945+ with 9 players (or special exception) who have all registered will be accepted into the draw.Additional player’s payment link will be sent to you if you wish to add more.

Family & Friends team will be 10 people and you will only pay for 5 adults, registered kids will be free.  Total $525.

  • For Insurance purposes each individual player needs to fill in an Individual Player Registration Form within 48hrs.
  • Non-registered players are not covered by insurance and therefore cannot play.
  • Active Kids Vouchers are not able to be used.
  • No refunds on registrations.
  • MJRC are unable to form or manage teams.
  • MJRC makes no guarantees that there will be teams looking for players, or individuals looking for teams.

Registrations will be via a link I will share with you via email, on social and on the website.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?
The Summer Touch team at summertouch@mjrc.com.au

Mosman Council does not allow dogs on the oval.




MJRC encourages participants to play to the best of their ability as well as exhibit good sportsmanship and fair play at all times. 

At the conclusion of each game, the Managers will nominate a player in their team who they believe has exhibited this behaviour the most. This person is the “Player of the Week” and receives a voucher. 


Fun and Fair Play at ALL times.

Parents, Coaches & Players are expected to uphold a code of conduct (see below).

If the spirit of the game is not being upheld the MJRC Supervisor will ask you to leave the field.


Each team is allowed 7 players on the playing field during a game. These can be all boys, all girls or mixed. 


Each team is to nominate a Captain prior to the start of play. The Captain is responsible for the conduct of the team. Captains can (and in our opinion) should change each week.


Games are 30 minutes 2×13 minute halves with a 2-minute half-time break. The extra 2 minutes are to allow for players to take and leave the field prior to and following their game. 

If a game starts late, the game time may be adjusted, with each half being a minimum of 10 minutes.


Will be emailed to the Managers at the start of the season and advertised near the canteen at Rawson. Game times generally cannot be changed after the season has started. 

Unfortunately in some year groups team registrations were low.  Therefore, it may mean that some teams play each other multiple times.  We apologise for this but it is out of our control. We are ok, if team Managers wish to mix teams up to make it fun and fair each week. 


Please ensure your team arrives a few minutes before your game to warm up and stretch to avoid injuries. 


MJRC Summer Touch is intended as a Fun, Social competition conducted in the spirit of Fun & Fair Play. We have a Permitted Footwear Policy which is designed to provide;

  • The lowest risk for injury to all players
  • A level playing field for all participants
  • Conform to the requirements of venue looking to reduce wear on fields
  • All participants MUST wear enclosed footwear. 
  • Metal and screw in studded boots are prohibited. 


Please ensure all watches, jewellery, and sunglasses (unless prescription) are removed before the game begins. Please do not give jewellery to your referee to mind, we have Supervisors at the grounds who will take care of such belongings if requested.

Your nails should also be cut to the height of the fingertips, and players with long nails may be requested to wear gloves or tape these for their safety and the safety of other players.


Players may substitute at any time during the game as often as they wish as long as this does not cause a break in play. 

Players being substituted must leave the field prior to their replacement entering the field.


A player that receives an injury that results in any blood must leave the field of play and a normal substitute is used. The player may not return to the field until the blood is cleaned up, and the wound is covered. For serious injuries received during play, the game may be stopped to assess and provide aid to the injured party. If the player needs to leave the field, a normal substitute is used. If a valid substitute is not available, the team must continue to play minus a player.


To keep the games on time, teams arriving late will be punished; accordingly, on the second minute the offending team is running late, the opposition receives 1 point. In the fourth minute, the opposition receives another point. At the 5th minute, the game is deemed a forfeit win with a score-line of 5-0 in favour of the non-forfeiting team. If both teams are running late, both teams will be penalised. (Eg, if team 1 shows up two minutes late, and team 2 shows up 4 minutes late, the game will start 2-1 in favour of team 1). If after 5 minutes neither team has shown, the game is deemed a forfeit draw.

SO please don’t be late.


During the Round Robin competition, teams who register as a “Team Entry” may use players who did have registered with Summer Touch but aren’t in their current team to “fill in” for regular players. This is preferred by MJRC Summer Touch as an alternative to forfeiting games. 

You may use Ring-Ins only where they are a registered player and play in the same year group or BELOW. Ring-ins cannot act as Captain, but for all other purposes serve as a normal player on the team. 


If you have to forfeit a game, please email to summertouch@mjrc.com.au before the day of play. If you forfeit twice without giving us such notice or three times with notice, your team will be withdrawn from the competition with no refund and your place will be made a bye for the remaining rounds of the draw. 

There is no exception to this rule and we encourage all teams to make every effort to play at your scheduled time slot every week.


This is a fun, mixed comp. 


We will have a fun finals week.


Please “like” the Mosman Junior Rugby Instagram page for up-to-date information and an email will be sent to Managers if time permits. Council will update the ground status around 2pm and we will advise shortly after on social media and emails to Managers. There will be no make-up games unfortunately – so do your sun dances please.

SIN BIN (We HOPE this isn’t used)

Due to the social nature of the competition, the referee or the supervisor has the option to SIN BIN a player to allow them time to cool off. The player can be requested off the field for up to 5 minutes depending on the severity of the incident. Sin Binned players can be replaced and the player can return to the field after they have served their time.


A player can be sent off the field if the referee or supervisor witness the player committing dangerous or violent conduct, serious foul play (eg. spitting, punching, striking) or using foul or abusive language. Such behaviour is not tolerated in any form, and a player that is sent off CANNOT return to the field and CANNOT be substituted. Depending on the severity of the incident, a sent off player may face additional disciplinary action if the referee or Supervisor deems it appropriate. This may include but not limited to suspending the player from participating in MJRC Summer Touch competitions for a period of time.



7 Basic Rules

  1. There are seven players for each team on the field at a time. Though there can be up to 10 players on the team, with unlimited substitutions.
  2. You can only pass backwards.
  3. If you get touched with the ball, you have to put the ball on the ground and step over it.
  4. The person who collects the ball, known as the ‘dummy half’, should try to offload (pass the ball backwards) quickly because they’re not allowed to get touched or score. If they do, it’s a ‘changeover’ (the ball goes to the other team).
  5. The team that makes the touch has to get back seven metres before they can make another touch. This is in line with the referee.
  6. After six touches to a team, there’s a changeover.
  7. The ball can’t touch the ground. If it does, it’s a changeover.

A good video to show any new players can be found – https://touchfootball.com.au/about-touch-football/rules/




Rules of play are based on standard rules as referenced by their governing body unless otherwise stated but are modified to suit the social nature of the competition, the time available and the facilities used. MJRC Summer Touch retains the right to make determinations on issues that fall outside of documented rules and is the final authority in all interpretations and decisions.

Organisers of MJRC Summer Touch have given referees permission to make the games “fair” if a whitewash is occurring.  The referee will check in with both Managers prior to doing so but we appreciate your support in ensuring everyone has a “fun” game.

Kicking is only allowed in Year 7 and above after the last tip prior to changeover (6th).


A touch can be made to any part of the body, hair, clothing or ball of the attacking player. But as it’s a mixed comp we ask that you are “respectful” of where you tap.


  • You may score a try from anywhere on the field.
  • A dummy half cannot score a try.
  • The ball must be placed successfully on the ground on or over the try line.
  • The ball may NOT be passed after the try line. The reason is on most fields we play across the field and there is no Dead Ball line or in goal area marked.
  • One point is awarded for a male try and two points are awarded for a female try (remember the ball must be passed to the female player before crossing the try line to be awarded and carry 2 points).

TAP (Tap and go)

When a tap is called to commence or recommence play, the player must place the ball on the ground, release it and tap the ball gently with the foot. 

A tap occurs:

  • At the start of the game
  • At the restart of half-time
  • After a touchdown has been scored.
  • After a penalty (when a player or a team infringes the Rules of the Game) these are – 
  • Passing the ball forward
  • Defensive team being inside the seven metres (and not making an effort to retire),when the attacking player rolls the ball. 
  • Not returning the ball to the mark or not handing the ball to the closest opponent when there is a change of possession
  • A defender failing to touch (but claiming a touch), Yes/No call
  • Obstruction
  • Disregarding the players code of behaviour  

ROLL BALL (roll under your legs on the mark)

The ball should be rolled between the legs when a player in possession has been touched. It must not go one metre. It does not have to be played with the feet. The ball must be rolled on the spot where the touch occurred otherwise “off the mark” will be ruled and it will be a turnover. A player in possession can touch a defender and then roll the ball while play is advancing.

A roll ball occurs when there’s a changeover. Changeover of possession (to the opposition team) may be called for the following infringements;

  • Team in possession has dropped the ball
  • Team in possession has used up its allocated six touches
  • Dummy half is touched with the ball in possession.

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